Restriction on pulses import – India in stress at WTO meeting at Geneva

At the meeting of the WTO Committee on Agriculture (CoA) that took place in Geneva last month, Australia, in its submission noted that India’s QR of 100,000 tonnes of peas (including Yellow Peas, Green Peas, Dun Peas and Kaspa Peas), initially imposed for a period of three months till June 30, had been extended twice, first till September 30 and subsequently till December 31.

India is facing increased heat at the World Trade Organization for continuing with its quantitative restrictions (QRs) on import of certain pulses to check falling prices in the domestic market.

The complain has been put up by the countries like Australia, Canada and the US which are questioning India for continuing with its quantitative restrictions (QRs) on import of certain pulses to check falling prices in the domestic market.

Inspite of protest since years India is continuing to maintain the QRs and, to date, has not explained how such measures are consistent with its WTO commitments,” the US representative noted in a question to India which will be taken up at the meeting of the WTO Committee on Agriculture (CoA).