Ukraine Corn planting lag reduced to 2%.

Planting of spring cereals and pulses was completed on an area of 6223 thousand hactare (86% of the plan). This is 3.7% less than planted at the same time last year (6465 thousand hactare). Spring barley was sown on 1557 thousand haactare (95%) against 1811 thousand hactare in 2016. Spring wheat on 169 thousand hactare (95%) against 164 thousand hactare in 2016, oats on 197 thousand hactare (95%) against 212 thousand hactare a year ago. Peas were seeded on 379 thousand hactare (115%) that is up 67.7% year-on-year (226 thousand hactare as of May 11, 2016). Corn planting in Ukraine is 84% complete. The lag in its progress reduced to 2%. The crop was sown on 3782 thousand hactare as of the reporting date against 3861 thousand hactare at the same time last year.