Weather in Argentina remains Unpredictable

The weather in Argentina continues to be uncertain going from one extreme to another. After very heavy rains earlier in November, the weather has been on the dry side for the last 2-3 weeks. They also experienced localized frost in southeastern Buenos Aires province late last week. Rainfall has returned to northern Argentina over the past few days and there is more rain in the forecast especially for northern Argentina.

Soybeans in Argentina are 54% planted compared to 53% last year and 58% for the 5-year average. The first crop of soybeans are 73% planted and the double crop soybeans are 11% planted. The soybean planting advanced 13% last week, which was the best week of planting so far this growing season.

The soybeans are rated by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange at 17% poor to very poor and 26% good to excellent. The soil moisture for the soybeans is rated 11% short to very short and 31% optimum to surplus. It is still very early for the soybeans and the condition of the crop could go either way depending on the weather, but the soil moisture has definitely been trending dryer in recent weeks.

Recent frosts in southeastern Buenos Aires as well as heavy rains earlier in November in central Argentina required the replanting of 300,000 to 500,000 hectares of soybeans.

Corn planting in Argentina was 41.3% complete as of late last week compared to 40% last year and 46% for the 5-year average. In many areas, the first phase of corn planting is nearing completion and farmers are starting on their second phase of corn planting.

The early planted corn is rated 9% poor to very poor and 50% good to excellent. The soil moisture for the early corn is rated 13% short to very short and 34% optimum to surplus and the early corn is 16% pollinating. The early planted corn should be OK, but the later planted corn could have some trouble if the weather remains uncertain.