According to USDA, U.S. sunflower acreage has decreased this year in comparison with last year. The decline occurred in the Oil type sunflower variety, which accounts for 90% of overall sunflower acreage but only 83% this year (1.1 million acres last year to 0.5 million acres this year). Decline in area was in major sunflower producing states, North Dakota and South Dakota, due low profits compared to other oilseed crops such as canola and soybean.
Sunflower stocks at the end of the 2023-24 season were the high since 2016-17, resulting in the lower price. Increased canola and soybean processing facilities in North Dakota resulted in reduced sunflower acreage. Despite low planting, sunflower yield in 2024-25 are predicted to be higher because of favourable weather conditions. However, production is expected to decrease to 1.3 million pounds this year from 2.2 million pounds the last year.
Source:USDA, Oil Crops Outlook