Agriculture Minister said that they are discussing with Sri Lanka government to export paddy stored in warehouses of the district. Water level in a tank at Thoderu village in Podalakur mandal. Farmers across the district produced 4 puttis of paddy for one acre on an average. Farmers are able to produce 30 lakh putties of paddy in the district after the government supplied water for 7 lakh acres this season. They had supplied 22 tmc of water from Krishna river to Somasila and Kandaleru reservoirs in the district.“Water has been provided to upland areas on par with delta lands. Nearly, 25,600 acres of land was brought under cultivation after the construction ofa siphon from Kandaleru left canal at a cost of 40 lakh. A proposal was made to construct an aqueduct at a cost of 4 crore.