Officials have purchased 7,700 metric tonnes of paddy worth Rs 11 crore through paddy purchase centres in Peravali mandal through eight centres opened in the mandal so far. A total of 770 farmers sold their produce at these centres. While three centres were working under Velugu, five more centres were operated under society. In Velugu centre at Kanuru, 90 metric tonnes of paddy was purchased. Annavarappadu and Peravali paddy purchase centres procured 58 metric tonnes and 330 metric tonnes respectively under Velugu. Similarly, societies also contributed for huge procurement. While the Kanuru society centre purchased 1,650 metric tonnes, Annavarappadu society centre procured 220 tonnes. Kapavaram society procured 1,800 metric tonnes where as Pittalavemavaram society registered 1,100 metric tonnes procurement.