Ahead of the Assembly elections in Chhattisgarh next year, CM Raman Singh announced a bonus to farmers for the last seasons as well this seasons paddy procurement. Paddy farmers are protesting at many places in the state demanding a minimum support price of Rs 2,100 and bonus of Rs 300 per quintal, as promised by the ruling BJP in its poll manifesto in 2013. Following Prime Minister Narendra Modis direction, the state government has decided to give a bonus to farmers for paddy procurement in 2016-17 and 2017-18,” Singh said at a press conference at the BJP headquarters here. Earlier, Singh attended a meeting of BJP MPs, MLAs and office-bearers. Bonus to the tune of Rs 2,100 crore for paddy procurement in the last years season (2016-17) will be disbursed ahead of Diwali which will benefit 13 lakh farmers. A bonus for the procurement to be done in this season (2017-18) will be given next year during Vikas Yatra. CM raised the issue of drought-like situation in Chhattisgarh in his meeting with Modi and BJP president Amit Shah and said I had informed the PM that more than 50 development blocks in the state are facing drought-like situation due to scanty rainfall, and this will lead to a drinking water crisis. Subsequently, the PM directed me to disburse a bonus to farmers. Later in the evening, the state Agriculture Department issued an order to pay a bonus of Rs 300 per a quintal of paddy procured in 2016-17.