Buenos Aires Grain Exchange became the latest analysts to slash their estimates of the battered Argentinian harvest on Thursday, cutting its soybean forecast to 47 million mt and its corn to 37 MMT. The figures, published in a weekly update Thursday, are down 3 million mt and 2 million mt respectively versus its last projection and down from the 57 million mt of soybean and 41 million mt of corn the nation produced in 2017. The revision comes hard on the heels of the Rosario exchange’s similar reassessment, published late Wednesday where it slashed its soybean outlook to at 46.5 million mt for soybean and 35 million mt for corn. While rain at the beginning of the week alleviated some of the dry areas of Buenos Aires, water conditions continued to reflect a drought scenario however, with the crop already showing irreversible damage that could even accentuate during the next days.