Canada Crop Sowing Progress

Saskatchewan crop report period 7 May to 13 May 2024:

Producers have made substantial progress in seeding over the last week. Seeding is currently 32% complete in the province, up 20% from last week. This is behind the five-year average of 54% and the 10-year average of 45%.

Pulses crops are leading in seeding progress with field peas at 53% seeded followed by lentils at 50% and chickpeas at 39%. Durum is 38% seeded, spring wheat at 36%, barely at 30%, oats at 22%, canary seed at 19% and triticale at 18%. Mustard leads for oilseed seeding completion at 24% followed by canola at 17% and flax at 12%. Soybeans are the furthest behind in seeding progress at 8%.

Manitoba Corp Report 14 May 2024

Sowing progress in 2024 as compared to previous year

Rapid seeding progressed across the province this past week and is now at 30% complete. Producers have focused on planting corn (60% complete), cereals (58% complete) and peas (72% complete). Canola planting has just started with 6% of the acres being planted. Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil and weather conditions. Soil temperatures were adequately warm and the seeding of more sensitive crop types such as soybeans has begun. Soybean planting is at 15% completion.

Cereals: Winter cereal stands were growing rapidly and tillering in the warm temperatures with fields greening up dramatically. Spring wheat and barley are sitting at 58% complete across the province with the Central region being the most advanced at 80% complete. Early planted fields have started to emerge. Grain corn planting is 60% complete.

Oilseeds: Canola planting is at 6% completion across the province. Sunflower planting is at 13% completion across the province.

Pulses and Soybeans: Field pea planting is at 72% completion across the province. Soybean planting is at 15% completion across the province with the Central region at 30%.