CBOT soybeans close higher on bargain buying.

CBOT July soybean futures up 2-1/4 cents/bushel at $9.06-3/4 on bargain buying. End of-month technical buying lent soybeans support. New crop November soybeans ended up 2-3/4 cents per bushel to $9.13-3/4. CBOT July soymeal ended up 50 cents at $294.10 per short tn while July soyoil finished down 0.09 cent at 31.52 cents per lb. Crop weather in the U.S. Midwest remained mostly benign, with welcome showers expected this week in most of the region. USDA reported export inspections of U.S. soybeans in the latest week at 315,099 tonnes, in line with trade expectations for 0.2-0.4 MMT.