Chief Minister Raman Singh announced that his Government had set up 1992 paddy procurement centres across the State to facilitate paddy procurement from 15.79 lakh farmers from November 15 till January 31. All preparations have been made for annual mega procurement exercise for kahrif season 2017, there is procurement centre for every five and a half Gram Panchayats on an average so that the farmers don’t have to travel longer distances for selling their paddy crops, while addressing people on Sunday in his 27th episode of popular radio talk ‘Raman Ke Goth programme, which was aired from Raipur centre of Akashwani. This year the support price has been hiked by ‘80 per quintal, as a result, the thick variety of paddy will be procured at 1550 per quintal and the thin variety of paddy will be procured at the support price of 1590 per quintal support price.