FAO has also raised its estimate for global production of wheat in 2017-18 to 748.8 mln tn, nearly 1 mln tn higher than 739.9 mln tn predicted in July.The increase is mainly due to higher production in Russia which offsets the fall in the US and Canada. Global carryover stocks of wheat are likely to hit an all-time high of 261.9 mln tn, compared with 255.8 mln tn estimated earlier due to high build-up of inventories in Russia following a record harvest. Wheat consumption in 2017-18 is also seen 3.2 mln tn higher at 730.9 mln tn as global supplies stimulate global consumption for food. However, use of the staple grain for animal feed has offset the rise. Wheat trade in 2017-18 is seen rising to 174.7 mln tn from 171.8 mln estimated earlier due to higher demand from India and Brazil. The agency has forecast global production of coarse grains at 1.359 bln tn, up from 1.350 bln tn estimated earlier.