Though the NITI Aayog has told Punjab to stop bothering about the national food security, the Food Corporation of India (FCI), along with five state government agencies, targets to procure 5 lakh metric tonne (MT) of wheat more for the central pool this year. The raised target clearly suggests that apparently, the state figures in the national scheme of food security. The procurement of wheat will officially begin on April 1. Bulk of wheat arrival will take place after Baisakhi (April 13). n a meeting last month, Rajiv Kumar, Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog, told the state functionaries not to bother about the national food security but secure the income of Punjab farmers besides reducing pressure on the soil, power and underground water. However, the FCI, along with state government agencies, has targeted to procure 130 lakh MT of wheat in the current marketing season compared to 125 lakh MT last year.