The most noticeable weed of the wheat crop, which causes significant reductions in grain yield in the state, is gulli danda. The prevailing weather conditions (low temperature) and wet fields are more conducive for its germination and spread, warned Dr Thakar Singh, head, Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU). The rainfall in mid-November has further helped in growth of this weed in wheat fields. In many fields gulli danda plants have already reached two to three leaf stages even before first irrigation. Gulli danda plants at this stage need to be controlled before first irrigation. If delayed after first irrigation then plants will attain bigger size. These will be difficult to control with herbicides later on. Under these situations, farmers are advised to spray Leader/ Safal/ Marksulfo 75 WG (sulfosulfuron) @ 13 g/acre in 150 litres of water two to three days before first irrigation in wheat fields.