According to Solvent Extractors Association (SEA), India’s May edible oil stocks at ports and pipelines rose 13.86 percent m-o-m to 26.62 lakh tons from 23.38 lakh tons in April 2018. Stocks of edible oil at ports rose to 1,002,000 tons (CPO 320,000 tons, RBD Palmolein 170,000 tons, Degummed Soybean Oil 230,000 tons, Crude Sunflower Oil 270,000 tons and 12,000 tons of Rapeseed (Canola) Oil) and about 1,660,000 tons in pipelines. (Stocks at ports were 1,068,000 tons in April 2018). India is presently holding 42 days of edible oil requirement on 1st June, 2018 at 26.62 lakh tons compared to 37 days of requirements last month at 23.38 lakh tons. India’s monthly edible oil requirement is 19.0 lakh tons.