PUSA 1509 variety of basmati has started arriving at the Bhagatanwala grain market here. At present, buyers are offering Rs 1,600 to Rs 2,300 per quintal. For the best quality rice, the maximum price offered so far is Rs 2,300 quintal. Though the price offered this year is better than the past some years, farmers feel that a cartel of private buyers and arhtiyas is offering low prices. Last year, farmers had to sell their produce below the minimum support price (MSP). The lowest price offered last year was Rs 1,200 per quintal. Another farmer, Harjinder Singh from Meera Chak village, said, Two days ago, the price was Rs 2,500 per quintal. Now, as farmers have started bringing the yield, traders have decreased the price. The government has failed to regulate it.