State govt move to open procurement centres 20 days in advance than the previous seasons has proved to be a damp squib as the moisture content in paddy is as high as 20% to 24%. Paddy purchase used to commence in mid October or in the first week of November. This year, state government decided to open procurement centres from September 25 for the convenience to those farmers who sow early variety of paddy. Everything was according to plan until downpour took place in the last week of September that continued for four days. Unwanted rainfall made a dent to a certain extent in early paddy crop, besides increasing the moisture level. The permissible level of moisture is 17% but the paddy farmers are bringing reaching centres has up to 24% moisture. Incidentally, the paddy procurement target for Bareilly this year has been hiked by 200% to sing 0.157 MMT. In the district, paddy was cultivated across 0.159 MH. Food and civil supply department has estimated that total production would be 0.37 MMT.