The Director, Food and Civil Supplies Anindita Mitra said the Punjab Government was fully committed to ensuring the successful completion of wheat season and farmers would not have to face any problem with regard to the payments, lifting and gunny bags (Bardana) during the procurement season. The Director was taking stock of the procurement arrangements in the grain markets (mandis) of Hoshiarpur and Garhshankar. She said various procurement agencies had procured 89,64,198 metric tonnes of wheat in the mandis of the state. Out of the procured wheat, Pungrain had procured 20,48,629 of metric tonne, Markfed 20,61,460 of metric tonne, Punsup 16,66,522 of metric tonne, Punjab State Warehousing Corporation 12,69,373 of metric tonne whereas the traders have in private purchased 27,767 metric tonnes of wheat.