Slapped with a lower tariff, MAV refers to the volume of commodities that are allowed to be imported by a member country as a commitment to WTO. Rice importation under this new program is pursuant to Republic Act No. 8178, or an act replacing quantitative import restrictions on agriculture products, except rice, with tariffs.To compensate for the expiration of QR, the Philippine government unilaterally extended the MAV commitments of 805,200 metric tons (MT) and corresponding tariff on cessions to maintain special treatment through Executive Order No. 23 (EO 23). The MAV and tariff concessions will remain in place until December 31, 202,0 or until an amendment to the Agricultural Tariffication Act (which exempts rice from tariffication) is passed. All rice to be imported under this MAV importation shall be levied with 35 percent tariff to be paid in advance with the Land Bank of the Philippines. The NFA has also divided the shipment of rice imports into two phases. In particular, the first shipment should arrive in the country from July 1, 2018, until August 31, 2018, while the last shipment should be here by December 20, 2018, until February 28, 2019.