Reserve Bank of India (RBI) cleared a sum of Rs 18,124.85 crore towards the Cash Credit Limit (CCL) for Punjab for the purchase of wheat in the ongoing rabi marketing season (RMS). With this, the bulk of the total CCL of Rs 21,179.60 crore sought by the state government for the purchase of 130 lakh tonne of wheat in this season has been released. An official press note said the RBI clearance followed persistent personal efforts of Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh, who had been pursuing the matter with the Central government for the past several days. A spokesperson for the state government pointed out that the Chief Minister’s personal intervention in the 2017 rabi season had led to the RBI enhancing the CCL for the state to Rs 20,683 crore from the previously sanctioned amount of Rs 17,994.21 crore.