Wheat Reports


Domestic News

  • The prices of wheat market remain steady. Government says it has sufficient wheat stocks to keep price in check. The Central government’s Department of Food and Public Distribution is keeping a close watch on the price of wheat and has sufficient stocks of the cereal which can be released to cool down the market in case the price starts moving up, according to a statement issued on Thursday.
  • Uttar Pradesh: Wheat procurement four times higher, but still lagging behind target in Meerut.

  • International News

  • Chicago July 2024 wheat down 7.25c/bu to 612.75c/bu
  • MATIF wheat September 2024 down €/4.50t to €232.25/t;
  • June WASDE Report Projects Increases to Wheat Prices.
  • Iran: Domestic wheat purchase at over $1.3b since April.