Romanian farmers are getting more and more interested in oilseed crops, devoting less acreage to grain crops. Thus, in 2017/18 MY grain crop area (wheat, corn, barley) was 6% lower than 5-year average. In contrast, sowing area of oilseeds (rapeseed, sunseed, soybeans) is estimated at a new record, which is 31% higher than 5-year average. In 2017/18 major part in oilseed sowing area structure was traditionally given to sunseed. Still, 2017/18 season was marked with essential growth in area of other oilseed crops, soybeans area increased by 40% and rapeseed by 25%. In terms of exports, Romania is responsible for 42% in the total sunseed supplies to EU market (in 2016/17), which makes the country quite important market player in the bloc.