Barley exports from Russia increased in March 2017 but they were nevertheless much lower than this month in the past few years. In March barley exports from Russia totaled 172.3 KMT, or 43% less than in March 2016. In the first nine months of the current season, Russian barley exports dropped 42% to 2.26 MMT against 3.9 MMT in July-March 2015/16. Russia increased barley supplies April and roughly 220 KMT of barley was shipped via Russia ports in April, but this is still not enough for realizing the country 2016/17 export potential of 3 MMT. Barley exports from Russia will close this season down at 2.7-2.8 MMT. Such a small volume of Russian barley exports was registered last time in MY 2013/14 (2.64 MMT).