Russia exported roughly 3.3 MMT of wheat in February 2018 that is up 161% from February 2017. Russia increased wheat exports by 43% in July-February 2017/18, when they totaled almost 27 MMT versus 18.9 MMT at the same time last marketing year. In addition, this is as much as shipped abroad for the whole of MY 2016/17. Along with steadily high deliveries to their traditional buyers, Russian exporters actively advance into new markets. So, in the period under review, Russia exported a record over 1 MMT of wheat to Indonesia compared to 344 KMT for the whole of MY 2016/17. Ukraine is outstripping Russia there: 1.8 MMT of Ukrainian wheat was shipped to Indonesian buyers in January-February 2018. However, an apparent lag is seen in the boosting of deliveries: Russian shipments to Indonesia were up 201% year-on-year, whereas Ukrainian exports to this market gained just 12%.