The government may increase the minimum support price of 2018-19 kharif paddy crop by over 100 rupees. For 2017-18, the government had fixed the support price of common variety paddy crop at 1,550 rupees per 100 kg and grade A at 1,590 rupees per 100 kg. The government is ready to act on its budget promises and there will be a considerable increase in minimum support prices this year. The rise in the support price of coarse grains will be magical. In his budget speech for 2018-19 (Apr-Mar), Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced fixing minimum support price for crops at least 1.5 times of their production cost. In October last year, the govt announced minimum support price for most rabi crops at over one and a half times of the cost involved. The finance minister said the government will extend this formula for all crops.