Heavy showers in the past one week in Mahbubnagar (Telangana) has washed away the hope of cotton and paddy farmers in the district. The farmers had to face the anger of the rain as more than 40,000 acres of cotton and paddy withered due to untimely rains. Jadcherla alone recorded more than 7.7 mm rainfall inundating the entire watercourse and filling up the empty tanks in and around constituency. More than 29,000 acres of cotton has been spoiled due to the heavy downpour in Jadcherla alone. In addition to this, an area of 11,000 acres of paddy was also drowned due to incessant rains. This year though the rain was very good in the beginning and helped to sow cotton, later when time for harvest, the heavy downpour has drenched the cotton buds and flowers. The wetness will turn the cotton black, which will not fetch good price in the market.