USDA arm pegs 2018-19 Pakistan wheat output at 26.3 mln tn.

Indias maize acreage was 1.6% higher at 7.3 mln ha as of Thursday from the year-ago period. Acreage in the country was also 1.4% higher as compared with the normal area of 7.14 mln ha, which is based on the average of the past five years. Higher planting in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan has offset the decline in other key growing states of Maharashtra, Bihar and Telangana. Announcement of higher minimum support price for maize by the government in July also encouraged farmers to bring more area under the crop. The Centre hiked the minimum support price for maize to 1,700 rupees per 100 kg for kharif marketing year (Oct-Sep) from 1,425 rupees in the previous year. Acreage was still down in some states because of subdued monsoon rains. India received 457.3 mm of rainfall during Jun-Jul, 10% below the normal weighted average of 508.5 mm for the period.