Uttar Pradesh: Wheat Purchase Preparations Initiated Early for 2024-25 Amid Ongoing Rice Procurement.

The State government has begun preparing for the purchase of wheat in January, while the last step of the 2024–25 paddy procurement procedure is underway. By January 15th, they are expected to choose and finalize the list, finish the center’s verification procedure in February, and turn in the final report. Initial preparations for the facilities have been initiated by officials. The acquisition of paddy has been underway since late October 2024. Formally, it is anticipated to be finished by December 31. However, it is anticipated that on January 15, it will be provided. In the meanwhile, to get instructions from the government, it has been requested that the infrastructure of the center be constructed in accordance with the criteria for wheat procurement by the 15th of January. According to sources, in the order of instructions that the last time the preparations were made in February. To provide the farmers with their rightful compensation for their labor, the procedure is being completed earlier this time. By January 15, the Center is expected to have a wheat procurement strategy ready. (Source-LiveHindustan)

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