FCI will offer a total quantity 1101650 tonnes of wheat in different states through e-auction on 16th November at a reserve price of Rs 1790 per quintal. Of the total quantity in OMSS, highest quantity of 295000 tonnes in Maharashtra followed by 293050 tonnes in Haryana, 137000 tonnes in Punjab, 105150 tonnes in M.P, 60000 tonnes in West Bengal, 50000 tonnes in Odhisa, 31500 tonnes in Tamil Nadu, 25450 tonnes in Karnataka, 20000 tonnes in Rajasthan, 16000 tonnes in Delhi, 15000 tonnes in Uttar Pradesh, 10000 tonnes in Kerala, 9500 tonnes in Andhra Pradesh, 9000 tonnes in Chandigarh, 7000 tonnes in Jammu & Kashmir, 4500 tonnes in Uttarakhand, 3500 tonnes in Gujarat, 3000 tonnes in Pondicherry, 2000 tonnes in Bihar, 1500 tonnes in Himachal Pradesh, 1500 tonnes in Chhattisgarh, 1000 tonnes in Goa and 1000 tonnes in Jharkhand.