U.S. 2017/18 wheat supply and demand estimates are unchanged from last month. The season-average farm price is lowered $0.20 per bushel at the midpoint to a range of $4.30 to $4.90. The reduction is due to NASS prices to date and expectations of future cash prices. Global wheat supplies for 2017/18 are lowered as a 1.7-million-ton production increase is offset by a 2.7-million-ton decrease in beginning stocks. TThe primary production increase is for Russia, which is raised 3.5 million tons to record 81.0 million tons; this change is based on excellent growing conditions and updated harvest results. Australia production for 2017/18 is lowered 1.0 million tons on dry conditions, and the EU is lowered 0.7 million tons. In addition, historical production changes for Australia led to lower global ending stocks. The 2015/16 Australia production change is on updated Australia Bureau of Statistics data which lowered harvested area 1.5 million hectares. Australia’s 2016/17 harvested area is lowered 0.5 million hectares. Global trade for 2017/18 is essentially unchanged. However, exports are increased 1.0 million tons for Russia on the larger crop, 0.5 million tons for Ukraine, and 0.3 million tons for Turkey. These are partially offset by a 1.0-million-ton reduction for EU exports and a 0.5-million-ton reduction for Australia. Total global use is up 0.5 million tons. With total supplies declining and use increasing, global ending stocks are lowered 1.6 million tons.