Market Updates
Kharif Bajra sowing area remains stable: According to Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, the area under Kharif Bajra remains stable at 7001 thousand hectares same as sowed during the same period last year.
India Bajra’s arrivals during the current marketing year (Oct.-Sep.) were up by 24%, reported at 635.9 ‘000. tonnes, compared to 510.5 ‘000 tonne reported for the same period last year.
The global millet market in the 2024/2025 marketing year (December to November) shows minimal changes in key metrics,
with a slight overall increase in supply and consumption compared to the previous period. Area harvested remains
unchanged month-over-month at 30.98 million hectares, but it has decreased by 0.5% year-over-year, reflecting ongoing
adjustments in production capacity. Despite stable area harvested figures, production is expected to rise by 3% year-overyear,
reaching 31.15 million metric tonne, driven by favorable growing conditions in key producing regions. Total supply
is projected to increase slightly by 0.05% month-over-month to 31.78 million metric tonne, which represents a 2.7%
increase from the previous year, indicating a steady availability of millet in the global market. (Source: USDA)