Prices of onion fell in Lasalgaon, Maharashtra, due to subdued demand from stockists following concerns over quality of the domestic stock. In Lasalgaon, onion was sold at 650-700 rupees per 100 kg, down 50 rupees. Arrivals were estimated at 900 trolleys, each carrying 1.5-2.0 tn, up 130 trolleys. In Pimpalgaon, onion was sold at an average 800 rupees per 100 kg, down 25 rupees. While arrivals were estimated at 700 trolleys, down 300 trolleys.
New urad crop arrivals start in Madhya Pradesh, prices may fall more
New crop of urad or black matpe has started arriving in some parts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, the two key producing states, over the last few days. However, the new crop is being sold at 2,800-3,000 rupees per 100 kg, compared with 3,500-3,700 rupees a year ago, as urad prices are already 46% below the minimum support price of 5,600 rupees per 100 kg fixed by the government for 2018-19 (Jul-Jun). Prices are down this year due to higher moisture content in the new crop. New crop arrivals have started on time this year in Madhya Pradesh, and about 50-60 bags (1 bag = 100 kg) are arriving daily in the market as against 100-120 bags last year. The new crop this year has moisture content of 15-16% compared with 12-13% last year, which has led to fall in domestic demand. In Maharashtra, another key market, arrivals of urad have started in Latur, and 2,500-3,000 bags (1 bag = 100 kg) are arriving daily in the market as against 5,000-6,000 bags last year. Arrivals of the pulse are lower as output is expected to fall due to erratic weather conditions in the key growing areas of the state. New crop is currently being sold in the range of 3,500-4,000 rupees per 100 kg, up 50-100 rupees from the year-ago period.
Aug pulses import at Chennai port down 4% on month, tur imports rise
Import of pulses at Chennai port fell 3.9% on month in August to 40,224 tn, as urad imports fell sharply. Import of urad in August declined in anticipation of the new crop hitting markets in Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra in September. Imports of urad fell sharply to 23,856 tn in August from 32,184 tn in July, and 33,720 tn in the corresponding period last year. However, imports of tur last month rose to 11,640 tn compared with 7,752 tn in July. Overall imports of pulses at the various ports remained lower due to restriction by the government in order to support domestic prices.