Maize processors are just buying for spot demand

The current demand scenario for poultry and starch with on and off opening up of processing plants is not helping demand one bit. The processors are just buying for spot demand. The broiler placements according to […]

Maize poultry demand was subdued

The shravan month has begun from today and the poultry demand which was already subdued will be having even lower production for a month and a half from today. Market expects only 50% Broiler placement is […]

Maize arrival Increase in UP

Increase in UP arrivals are causing markets to trade lower, warehouse delivered levels are traded between 1200-1220 today. Bihar warehouses are also trading at similar levels. Truck Freights have moved lower to Punjab/Haryana regions from Bihar […]

Soybean opened in +ve node in the future exchange

Today soybean again opened in +ve node in the future exchange due to recovery in MDEX and strong rally in the Cbot for second straight session. Lower than expected sowing & emerging weather concerns raising yield worries in […]

Maize buying is subdued

Buying is subdued at the moment looking at lower price realization in the food and feed sectors. Just Need-based buying being done, stocking demand largely has been catered to in Bihar, and now challenges with empty […]

Soybean meal prices opened flat on Tuesday.

Soybean meal prices opened flat on Tuesday. Soybean meal prices range INR 28,800-32,700+ GST across India. For some plants material, the reseller are quoting as low as INR 28,000 PMT+ GST in MP and INR 29,400 […]

Chana prices fall on Monday

Chana prices after a sharp fall on Monday have bounced back today owing to hopes that government disbursement may reduce the inventories. Government’s nodal agencies have nearly 3.0-3.2 mln ton of chana which includes this years’ […]

Government allow Maize imports @ 15% duty

The government issued a notification to allow imports up to half a million tonne at concessional rate of import duty @ 15%. How and why this has come now is beyond anybody’s comprehension. Arrival flow is […]

Maize arrivals are constant in the Bihar & WB

The markets are trading sideways from yesterday’s levels. The Bihar/WB arrivals are constant, estimated to be only about 20-25% of what they were last year. This gets reflected in rake numbers moving out as well. Destination […]

Chana seen down on subdued demand

Chana, the key driver of other pulses continued to trade in a tight range of 4,150-4,350 rupees per 100 kg over the last few weeks due to absence of clear cues. Subdued demand from dal millers […]

Palm oil prices turning to Positive side

Malaysian palm oil futures climbed more than 1% on Tuesday, recovering from two previous sessions of sharp declines, along with this MPOB data declared Ma Palm oil stocks id down by 10.34% but production is slightly […]

Positive Indian Ocean Dipole likelihood increases

The Pacific Ocean and overlying atmosphere remain close to El Niño thresholds, so the ENSO Outlook remains at El Niño WATCH. Models indicate the tropical Pacific Ocean will ease away from El Niño levels, becoming neutral during winter. The Indian Ocean […]

USDA WASDE: May 2019 Soybean Update

The 2019/20 outlook for U.S. soybeans is for higher supplies, crush, exports and slightly lower ending stocks compared to 2018/19. The soybean crop is projected at 4,150 million bushels, down 394 million from last year’s record […]