Tur, arhar growers need procurement support.

The acreage decline is pronounced in Maharashtra and Karnataka, where growers have been rather upset with low prices and inadequate procurement support. The acreage estimate is a clear indication of the mood of the growers. The Agriculture Ministry production target of 42.5 lakh tonnes of tur/arhar for 2017-18 is unlikely to be achieved. In 2016-17, the actual harvest was an estimated 46 lakh tonnes. Yet, the market is unlikely to face any shortage given the high level of existing stocks. Having fixed the MSP at a high level, the policy makers are duty bound to ensure that growers receive the minimum price. For this purpose, procurement operations have to be strengthened. Government agencies should get into a state of readiness right away. Inventory building by the private sector should be encouraged too. The target should be to procure at least 10 lakh tonnes of tur/arhar so that growers do not feel shortchanged this season too.

Govt limits tur import at 200,000 tonne to support prices.

The government has capped import of tur at 200,000 tonne per annum in a bid to to limit the fall in local prices. The restrictions apply until 2018. The import restrictions though not apply to the government import commitments under bilateral trade agreements and other pacts. The move comes in the wake of local tur prices falling to fresh lows due to a large crop. Robust government procurement also did not support prices. There were concerns that domestic prices may fall even further, as Africa is set to harvest a bumper crop this year, and the landed cost of the new African tur crop would be much lower than the domestic price. The government had earlier this year imposed 10% import duty on tur to check the fall in prices. The import duty, however, was not of much help, as tur is imported primarily from Myanmar and African countries, which can circumvent India import taxes due to bilateral pacts.

Tur jumps 15% as govt caps import, may hit 5,000 rupee/100 kg by Sep.

Tur farmers seem to be breathing a sigh of relief as prices of the pulse have recovered 30% in the past six-seven sessions–15% in just two days since the government capped imports over the weekend. Government had restricted imports of tur to 200,000 tonne per annum, following which prices of the pulse surged by 400-500 rupees per 100 kg to cross 4,300 rupees in major markets. While trading activity remained subdued due to Raksha Bandhan and lunar eclipse, prices of desi tur rose to four-month high of 4,400-4,500 rupees per 100 kg at major trading centres such as Nagpur, Latur, and Akola in Maharashtra.

Tur prices up on improved demand from dal millers.

Tur prices in the key markets rose due to improved demand from millers even as the arrivals rose. In Akola, Maharashtra, prices were up 100 rupees from previous close. Prices of tur in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, were up 150 rupees from previous close.

india Tur set to hit 6-year low as Africa crop may worsen glut.

A sharp rise in supply from overseas–largely Myanmar and some African countries like Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania–is seen pulling down the already-low prices in a couple of months, to levels last seen in 2011. Africa tur production is expected to jump to 450,000-500,000 tonne in 2017-18, from the 350,000 tonne crop of last year. 70-80% of the African output making its way to India in the absence of other destinations. A record domestic crop, pegged around 4.5 million tonne or almost double of last year crop compounds the supply glut. Tur prices falling further, maybe towards 3,000 rupees per 100 kg in the next two months.