Weather Conditions Impact India’s Sugarcane Yields

India’s sugar production is facing a significant setback due to a combination of last year’s drought and this year’s excessive rainfall. These weather conditions have led to a decline in sugarcane yields across the country. India’s […]

Kharif Crop Sowing Area Report: Comparison

For Kharif Onion, an area sown has been reported by the major producing States as 382 thousand hectares, compared to a total sown area of 285 thousand hectares in the last year. For Kharif Potato, an […]

Cooling Temp & Cyclones may Impact Rabi Sowing

Changing weather patterns, including cooling temperatures and potential cyclonic activity, are influencing rabi crop sowing across India. Farmers are responding to the shifting conditions, balancing the benefits of increased moisture with the risks posed by dense […]

ISMA predicts Indian Sugar production at 33.3 Million tonnes

According to the Indian Sugar and Bio-energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA) first advance estimates the Indian total sugar production for the 2024-25 (October-September) at 33.3 Mln tonnes (before diversion), inclined with its preliminary estimates in July month. […]

Sugar Production Forecast for India (2024-2025):

The USDA predicts India’s centrifugal sugar production in the marketing year 2024-2025 to reach 34.5 million metric tons, equivalent to 33 million metric tons of crystal white sugar. Due to delayed rains in Maharashtra and Karnataka […]

India likely to experience normal monsoon this year

India is expected to have a ‘normal’ monsoon between June and September 2024, with monsoon rains predicted to be 102% of the long-period average. Different regions of India will experience varying levels of rainfall, with above-normal […]